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J A N U A R Y 26 - F E B R U A R Y 13, New Members Exhibition, Dodge House Gallery, Providence Art Club, Providence, RI. Opening reception on January 26th, 2-4pm.

F E B R U A R Y 1 - , Terra Vista Invitational, Dryden Gallery, North Providence, RI. Opening reception on February 1st, 3-5pm.

F E B R U A R Y 13, A Light in the Darkness: 2nd Annual Education Fundraiser, Online Exhibition. Release online at 12pm EST.

F E B R U A R Y 14 - M A R C H 29, 9th Annual American Impressionist Society Small Works Showcase, Fallbrook Art Center, Fallbrook, CA. Opening reception on February 15th, 4-7pm.

M A R C H 9 - M A R C H 27, Winter Members’ Exhibition, Providence Art Club, Providence, RI. Opening reception on March 9th, 2-4pm.

Please stay up to date with upcoming events and new collections of paintings by signing up for my email newsletter!

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F E B R U A R Y 16 - 23, A Light in the Darkness: A New Collection of Nocturne Paintings. Online release.

M A R C H 14 - A P R I L 21, Featured Guest Artist at Imago Gallery, Warren, Rhode Island. Opening reception on March 16th, 5-8pm.

A P R I L 5 - M A Y 31, Oil Painters of America 33rd National Exhibition, Mark Arts, Wichita, Kansas. Opening reception on April 5, 5:30-9:00pm.

M A Y 4, Plein Air Workshop at Portsmouth Arts Guild, Portsmouth, Rhode Island. Register here.

M A Y 16 - J U N E 22, Solo Show, Graham Gallery, Bristol, Rhode Island. Opening reception on May 16th from 6-8pm. There will also be an Artist Talk on June 6th from 6-7pm at the gallery.

J U L Y 12 - 27, Landscapes and Handscapes, JKR Gallery, Provo, Utah. Opening reception on July 12th, 6-9pm.

J U L Y 20, Plein Air Workshop, Barrington Land Conservation Trust, Barrington, RI. Register here.

S E P T E M B E R 3 - 24, Online Workshop, Tuesdays. Register here.

S E P T E M B E R 14 - O C T O B E R 14, Edmonds & Beyond Plein Air Paint Out, Cole Gallery, Edmonds, WA. Opening reception on September 14th.

O C T O B E R 3, Launch Party, Four Lemons Gallery, Salt Lake City, Utah, 5-9 pm

O C T O B E R 4 - 28, The Fifth Annual Vining Gallery Invitational, Vining Gallery, Indianap0lis, IN. Opening on Oct. 4th from 5-9 pm.

N O V E M B E R 1 - 30, The $1,000 Show, JKR Gallery, Provo, Utah. Opening reception TBD.

N O V E M B E R 2, 1.3.5. Show, Salt Lake City, Utah. Reception from 5-9 pm.

N O V E M B E R 10 - D E C E M B E R 22, Little Pictures, Providence Art Club, Providence, Rhode Island. Opening reception on November 10th, 12-5pm.

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M A Y 5 - 26, Land & Handscapes Show, JKR Gallery, Provo, Utah. Opening reception on Friday, May 5th, from 6 to 9 pm. Show runs from May 8th - May 26th. I wish I could be there, but go see the three pieces I have in the show plus lots of other beautiful art by wonderful artists!

M A Y 25 - J U N E 17, Member’s Invitational, South County Art Association, South Kingstown, Rhode Island. Opening reception on May 25th, 7 to 9 pm. Show runs until June 17th. I will have about 8 paintings in this show and will be at the opening. I am excited to participate in anything put on by this lovely gallery close to home! Come say hi!

J U N E 10, Plein Air Workshop in New England. Full.

J U N E 24, Plein Air Workshop at Portsmouth Art Guild. Full.

A U G U S T 17, Collaborative Art Show, Luminist Studio, 9 Forbes Street, Riverside, RI, 6-9 pm. I will be showing my work alongside fellow local artist, Alex Morris. Come say hi and get some yummy food catered by May’s Gluten Free Market.

S E P T E M B E R 7 - 9, Art at the Park, This Is The Place Heritage Park, Salt Lake City, Utah. I will be there in person again this year with lots of framed art to peruse! It was a hit last year, so I hope to see many familiar and many new faces this year! Read more about it here.

S E P T E M B E R 14 - O C T O B E R 13, Oil Painters of America, Eastern Regional Exhibition, Beverly McNeil Gallery, Birmingham, Alabama. Opening night on September 14th, 5-9 pm. Read more about it here.

S E P T E M B E R 23 - O C T O B E R 28, A Small Point of Land, Bristol Art Museum, opening reception September 24th, 2-4pm. Read more and reserve tickets here.

O C T O B E R 4 - 25, Online workshop, Wednesdays, class registration is FULL.

O C T O B E R 6 - 27, 4th Annual Vining Gallery Invitational, Indianapolis, Indiana. Opening reception Oct 6th, 5-9 pm. Read more here.

N O V E M B E R 10 - 11, 135 Show, Salt Lake City, UT. Read more here.

N O V E M B E R 30 - D E C E M B E R 31, Small Works Show, Aguiar Fine Art Gallery, Portsmouth, NH. Opening reception November 30, 5:00-7:30 pm. First Friday Art Walk, December 1st.

Please stay up to date with upcoming events and new collections of paintings by signing up for my email newsletter!

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