I am just two months away from a much anticipated painting trip to The Netherlands. Once upon a time I lived there, in my early twenties. I was a missionary for my church and found myself assigned to this beautiful little country. I embraced it wholeheartedly, learning Dutch and finding so much joy in the work I did there. I loved the people I met, the culture I joined in, the food, and the language. But perhaps one of the things I have missed most since coming home is the biking!
So, in May I am headed back to visit and to PAINT! I am trying to streamline my plein air set up so I can pack it all easily on a bike. I’ll be breaking the trip into two parts. First I will be traveling with my mom, my sister and two sister-in-laws. We will be in South Holland, visiting areas I lived as a missionary. I will paint when I can, but might not get to immerse myself in the painting until the second half of my trip when I will meet up with a group of other artists (some of my dearest art friends). We will be staying in North Holland and will be doing lots of day trips on bikes and by car to paint the seaside, the dunes, the canals, the old towns, and the beautiful polderland. So much to look forward to!
I have not typically incorporated much architecture into my landscape paintings, but I really want to be able to catch more of the personality of the Dutch countryside, including the buildings and windmills, etc… So, I am embarking on some intensive study to paint more buildings. I have set a goal for myself to try to paint two small studies each day of different sorts of buildings, churches, houses, etc… So far I can tell my attempts are quite immature, but I’m learning and I’m enjoying the process. Stay tuned for updates and possible improvement. My hope is that it will give me more confidence to include some of the iconic Dutch architecture in my paintings from this trip.